A Table to Heal the World (March 29th, 2018)

On Maundy Thursday, we remember Jesus’ Last Supper with his disciples, in which he instituted the sacrament of Holy Communion. In this meal, the Body and Blood of Christ are given to us for the forgiveness of our sins. But forgiveness isn’t the only treasure received by those who come and eat. This table is set for the healing of the world. It is where all divisions are bridged and where the love of God takes on flesh and blood.

Jesus the King (March 25th, 2018)

After a reading of Jesus’ passion from Mark 15:1-39 in which the congregation participated, shouting, “Crucify him!” and other verses, Pastor Paige asked, “Who is this Jesus?” who is at the heart of our faith. The beginning of Holy Week is a time to be honest with ourselves and examine how we deny, mock, and turn against Jesus in our own lives. Only after admitting our need for Jesus to be our King will we truly understand the great depth of his love for us, displayed on the cross.

The Two Ways: Self or Others (March 18th, 2018)

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In this final sermon in our “Two Ways” series, we look at the way of living for self and the way of living for others. It isn’t just a matter of choosing “I’m going to go out there and make a difference for others.” If we are to truly live for others, we must die to ourselves. In John 12:20-33, Jesus shows how his death is the victory that sets us free from ourselves, and how dying to ourselves is the Way to live that is abundant and fruitful for an eternal impact.

The Two Ways: Strength and Weakness (March 4th, 2018)

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In the third sermon in the Lenten series, “The Two Ways,” Pastor Paige explores what the Apostle Paul means in 1 Corinthians 1:18-25 when he talks about God’s wisdom and strength as opposed to human wisdom and strength. God’s strength and wisdom is revealed in the cross of Jesus. To the world, having faith in someone who was crucified looks like foolishness. And yet it is the way of salvation and true life. This sermon ends by giving examples to listeners about how to walk the way of the cross in their daily lives, in order to experience that salvation and share God’s love with all.