The Trinity, the Image of God, & the Sin of Racism

It's not easy to talk or hear about racial injustice. Even as our hearts break over the deaths of George Floyd and Ahmaud Arbery, we may not want to think about it. But it is a spiritual matter; a religious matter. Human beings are created in the image of God, and when that image is denied, then those who claim to speak for God have an obligation to speak out. I don't claim to have all the answers; I probably don't even raise all the right questions. This doesn't deal with every dimension or every nuance. But it is a witness, even if it is faltering. Send your Holy Spirit, Lord Jesus, and heal our land. Amen.

Stick with Love (Psalm 23)

Here is a meditation on love from Pastor Paige, inspired by the familiar words of Psalm 23. It is a reflection on embracing all of God’s children and treating all people with care, dignity, and respect. It is my humble and hopeful offering for the young and young-at-heart, in response to recent national events exposing racism and injustice.

“I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.” --The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

“Love is patient, love is kind.” --1 Corinthians 13:4

May 31, 2020 Pentecost Worship Service

The festival of Pentecost celebrates the sending of the Holy Spirit, as told in Acts 2:1-21. This dramatic story of wind, fire, and accusations of drunkenness gives us encouragement for growing in faith and mission, even when we can't enter our house of worship together. Because of the Spirit's coming, God's dwelling is not in a building, but in the community of Christians.

After the service, we encourage you to go to to fill out an online response card and let us know that you were "with" us! You can download a Bible reading and prayer guide for the coming week by clicking here.

May 24th Sunday Worship Service

What is God up to in the middle of this pandemic? The answer may surprise you. And it will give you reason for great hope. We are so glad you are with us online. We hope that you are encouraged by what you encounter here!

After you participate in this online worship service, please fill out an online response card so we can know more about who is connecting with us! Update: We got the file format issue straightened out, and daily devotions for this week are finally available here! Thank you for your patience.

May 17th Worship Service

Today we hear the Apostle Paul speaking to a crowd in Acts 17:22-31 and sharing the good news of Jesus' death and resurrection. Paul preaches in a way that meets his hearers right where they are. At the same time, the Apostle challenges them to turn away from false gods and turn toward the one true God, so they can find the abundant life, hope, and peace they are seeking. After the service, please go to to fill out an online response form and to stay in touch. You can also click here to download devotions for the coming week. UPDATE: Sorry the video wasn’t showing up here at first; I’ll try to figure out what went wrong this week.

May 10, 2020 Worship Service

On this fifth Sunday of Easter, we hear John 14:1-14, one of the most theologically dense passages of Scripture. But it speaks powerfully to us in real life. Be challenged, encouraged, and renewed in your faith with us! After the service, we encourage you to click here to fill out an online response card. You can also find online devotions here to keep you growing spiritually through the week!

We also want to wish a happy Mothers’ Day to all mothers, grandmothers, godmothers, and those who give motherly care. Even if you can’t be with your family in person, we hope your day is blessed.

What Should I Be Doing? (Faith in Quarantine - Gardening & Vocation)

What should we be doing right now, as individuals or families? Some of us have ten times the obligations on us we did before the coronavirus. Some of us have had life grind to a halt. For some of us, it's a mix of both plus some added layers of chaos thrown in! This video in the series "Faith in Quarantine" uses the biblical image of gardening to shed some light on how we can think about what to do during these very strange times.

April 26, 2020 Worship - Discovering Our Purpose

If you're searching for purpose during this unprecedented time, you'll want to hear what the risen Jesus says to you today. When Jesus appears to his disciples after his resurrection, he gives them hope. He tells them they have important work to do. So do you.

Be sure to continue cultivating your spiritual growth this week by clicking here to download our daily devotions for the coming week.

Daily Devotions

I think it is safe to say that for most of us, our daily rhythms, the structure for our time, has been thrown off. “What day is it?” is a pretty common question. With everything up in the air, now is a perfect time to create a habit of structuring your time with God’s Word and prayer. Every week, we are publishing a daily devotional guide. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, it has reflections on the previous Sunday’s assigned Bible readings. For each day, there are psalms and prayer guides.

This is a powerful way to take a difficult time and allow it to strengthen your life of faith! Click here to download the booklet of devotions for this week.

Family Sunday School Videos & Activities

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Hello Friends!

Christ is risen! He is risen, indeed! In the church year, the Easter season lasts 50 days, all the way until the Day of Pentecost. We have a lot to celebrate! Jesus is alive and his resurrection gives us hope, peace, and joy. During this strange time of social distancing, our normal lives have been upended, but Jesus’ love for us is unchanging. To help your family grow in faith during this time, there is a great resource called “Family Sunday School” that is being offered by Sparkhouse, the Lutheran publisher of the Spark Story Bible.

Each video is about 12 minutes long, and you can stop and start it for discussion or to do the activities. There are downloadable coloring sheets and discussion starters along with the video at the link above. The Bible stories might not match up exactly with the Bible passages in our worship services, but they are all stories that are great for this Easter season.

You and your children can take part in this online Family Sunday School any day of the week. Take a look at it when it is convenient for you, or when you need a bit of inspiration and encouragement! I hope that Family Sunday School will help deepen your faith and give you tools for talking about Jesus’ resurrection to new life. As always, feel free to get in touch with me anytime. You can let me know how things are going, tell me some good news about how God has been at work in your life, and share how you’ve been participating in Family Sunday School! Reformation’s bonds as a church family remain strong, even though we are separated for a time. We are here for you.

Your friend in Christ,
Pastor Paige

Easter Sunday Online Worship! April 12, 2020

It seems incredibly strange to think that on Easter morning, the holiest and most joyful of all Christian celebrations, church buildings will be empty and the followers of Jesus will be behind locked doors.

But this is exactly where the first disciples were on the first Easter! And Jesus still came to be with them and give them forgiveness, hope, and new life. He will do the same for you today.

This worship service will encourage you with a sermon from Pastor Eric on John 20:19-23, hymns to sing, and special music from our director of music Gail Kelso and guest musicians Sigrid Evers (violin) and Tim Deik (a long-time friend of Pastor Eric and Pastor Paige, and Sigrid’s godfather, and a fantastic trumpet player).

Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Our Alleluias may be shared digitally this year, but Jesus is still alive, and victory is ours.

Good Friday Worship

Join us on this most solemn and mysterious of holy days, Good Friday. With Christians around the world, tonight Reformation focuses on the trial, crucifixion, and death of Christ. We worship with awe the Son of God who did not have his life taken from him, but who laid down his life to save the world. Join us to hear of the life-giving Cross, and to discover how sin and death have been overcome.

Maundy Thursday Worship

With the washing of his disciples’ feet, Jesus displays humble, self-giving love. With the command to “love one another,” he shows us how his love transforms us. This service offers confession & forgiveness, prayers, a sermon on John 13, and the reading of Psalm 22. Come and worship with us!