The Light of the World: How Do I See Clearly? (January 22, 2017)

When we look to Jesus, the light of the world,  (John 8:12-16, 25-30) we can see our lives, our Savior, and our path forward more clearly.  In this sermon in our series on the “I AM” statements of Jesus, Pastor Paige describes how Jesus calls us to move from the darkness of sin into the light of his love, and how we can share the light of Christ with others.

The End Is Near (November 13, 2016)

The 2016 election felt like "the end" for many, either in a good way or a bad way. In this sermon, preached on the Sunday after the election, Pastor Eric helps us to understand events in a Gospel perspective. The prophet Malachi (Malachi 4:1-2a) and the apocalyptic preaching of Jesus (Luke 21:5-19) call us to faithfulness to the true Lord of heaven and earth, and to compassion for all people.