Authority (January 28th, 2018)

What have you given authority to in your life? While Americans are usually suspicious of authority (we say things like, “You’re not the boss of me!”), most of us have, knowingly or unknowingly, given a lot of authority to voices, people, and forces. And those powers are killing our souls. But what if One has come who has true authority, and uses it not to bind us, but to set us truly free? In this sermon based on Mark 1:21-28, we hear Good News about Jesus and his life-giving authority.

The Dream Team (January 21st, 2018)

Today’s reading from Mark 1:14-20 highlights a key verse that will shape Jesus’ ministry: “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near; repent, and believe in the good news.” Pastor Paige explores what Jesus’ announcement means for us, as well as what it means that Jesus called humble fishermen to be his first disciples. Jesus didn’t worry about their skill level or experience. He simply called them to come with him and do the same work he was doing in the world. We get to be on Jesus’ dream team, too.

A Call to Maladjustment (January 14th, 2018)

Martin Luther King called upon his followers to be “maladjusted” to the world – not to accept the evil that surrounds us, but to stand up against it.  Jesus was maladjusted.  Even in his early ministry, when he gave his first sermon, he was almost killed because of it.  In the same way, we are called upon to speak out against evil wherever we see it, even if it looks like we are maladjusted to the world around us.

The Quest (January 7th, 2018)

Every human being is on a quest, whether we are aware of it or not. Today’s sermon, from Matthew 2:1-12, focuses on the festival of Epiphany, when we celebrate the journey of the wise men to give gifts to the baby Jesus. Their quest teaches us that the real hero’s quest is to give and serve and surrender at the cradle and the cross of the Savior. When you lay your everything down before him, you will find the everything your soul has longed for.

Christmas Eve: The Power of Love (December 24th, 2017)

On Christmas Eve, we celebrate the great news that God loves us so much that He sent His Son to be with us as a baby in the manger. The Christmas gospel from Luke 2:1-20 sets the stage for Jesus’ birth, as Joseph and Mary travel to Bethlehem to be counted in a census. Pastor Paige explores how we all feel measured and judged throughout our lives, and how God’s gift of Jesus reveals our true worth in the eyes of our loving Heavenly Father. Joy to the world, Jesus is here!