What’s the Point? Being the Kingdom (November 25th, 2018)

Along with wrapping up the sermon series, “What’s the Point? Living a Life that Matters Eternally,” this day is Christ the King Sunday and the last Sunday in the church year. The gospel reading from John 18:33-37 proclaims that Jesus is our king, and shares the good news that we belong to Jesus’ Kingdom. In this sermon, Pastor Paige also explores the reading from Revelation 1:4-8 and its promise of hope for us and for all who believe in Christ our King.

What’s the Point: Being Disciplined (November 18th, 2018)

How can we become people who truly walk in love? In a world filled with distractions, that offers us so many different ideas about what “the good life” is, how can we live in a way that makes an eternal difference? Only God can accomplish this in us. The good news is that he wants to do this for us! The hard news is that the way he does it is not always easy. In this sermon based on Hebrews 12:1-2, 7-13, Pastor Eric challenges us not to look only for changes in our circumstances, but to be open to God changing our character.

What’s The Point: First Things, Last Thing (November 11th, 2018)

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Admittedly, today’s sermon starts on a grim note, right out of our reading from Hebrews 9:24-29: we will all one day die. But this isn’t a doom and gloom sermon! Today, we start a three-week series called “What’s the Point,” looking at how we can live lives that have eternal significance. We are encouraged by the “last things” (the hope of salvation beyond death), even as we are challenged to keep the “first things” (love for God and for each other) first.

Glory Bound (November 4th, 2018)

On All Saints’ Sunday, the Bible readings, especially Revelation 21:1-6, proclaim the hope that believers have in Jesus’ resurrection to eternal life. Pastor Paige invites listeners to remember with thanksgiving the saints they’ve loved—those who lived and died in the faith, and have been called home to be with Jesus. All Saints’ Day is also a day to hold fast to God’s promise that we, too, are glory bound. The confidence we have in our ultimate future powerfully shapes our lives on earth today.

Truth & Freedom (October 28th, 2018)

On Reformation Sunday and Confirmation Day for two of our congregation’s young people, Pastor Paige explores Jesus’ teaching about truth and freedom in John 8:31-36. Jesus’ promise that the truth sets his disciples free inspired Martin Luther’s courageous statement when he faced fierce opposition. Luther said, “Here I stand. I can do no other.” This sermon calls today’s believers to stake their claim and anchor their lives on the truth that is Jesus.