Peace with Others (August 18th, 2019)

After hearing from the Bible on Peace with God, Peace with Ourselves, and Financial Peace in earlier sermons in this summer series, Pastor Paige addresses “Peace with Others,” and how we are to deal with conflict and disagreements in our lives today. In Romans 14:13-19, Paul discourages the early Christians from judging one another and putting stumbling blocks in each other’s way. In our time, people still judge, criticize, or avoid others when they disagree. Paul urges his listeners, then and now, to live out of an attitude of love instead of judgment, in order to make a way for peace with others.

Peace with Yourself (August 4th, 2019)

As our sermon series on Peace continues, Pastor Paige asks listeners to consider what their minds are set on: on themselves or on God. In Romans 8:1-17, Paul talks about a mind set on “flesh” versus a mind set on “Spirit.” Pastor Paige explains Paul’s language. She invites hearers to set their minds on God in order to receive God’s gift of peace and walk in the path of joyful service.

Peace with God (July 28th, 2019)

Today, we begin a series on Peace, with sermons taken from the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Romans. This first sermon, “Peace with God” (from Romans 4:18-5:2), looks at how our relationship with God is the foundation for peace in all areas of life. How do we find true peace with God? What are some forms of false peace? In our attempts to secure peace for ourselves, are we actually fighting against God? Listen and learn more!

Freedom to Serve (July 7th, 2019)

As Christians, we are free from sin and from everything that tries to turn our hearts away from God. Jesus’ death and resurrection make our freedom possible. In this sermon, Pastor Paige explores the Apostle Paul’s encouragement to the new Christians in Galatia to use their freedom generously (Galatians 5:1, 13-18) in service to others. As Christians in the 21st century, we are called to keep listening for the ways God is calling us to use our gifts and talents to extend the freedom we have in Christ to our neighbors.