What's Your One Thing? (March 19, 2023)

As we continue our journey through the season of Lent, we come to a rich story from John 9:1-41 about Jesus healing a man who was born blind. Even though this is an amazing miracle, it was not well received by the man’s community or by the religious leaders. Instead of celebrating the healed man’s new gift of sight, those around him interrogate him and demand to know how Jesus did it. In this sermon, Pastor Paige contrasts the man’s miraculous gift of sight with the blindness of those who refuse to see God’s healing power at work through his Son. She asks listeners to consider how God has healed them in the past, or how they are currently waiting for God to act. By hearing this gospel story in a worship service, surrounded by other believers, we are strengthened in our faith and able to more fully trust that we will experience the healing power of God in our lives, in God’s own time.

Welcome to the Well (March 12, 2023)

We get to overhear a long conversation between Jesus and the woman at the well today. At first, she thinks they’re talking about the mundane chore of drawing water. But as the reading from John 4:5-42 continues, we hear how Jesus opens up the woman’s eyes and heart to the living water and the new future he offers her and everyone he invites to follow him. Pastor Paige explores this rich story in today’s sermon. She asks worshipers to pause in the middle of Lent, consider what their souls are thirsty for, and turn to Jesus to find the true satisfaction, abundant life, and eternal life he alone can give.

Tunnels Too Small (March 5, 2023)

In John 3:1-17, Jesus teaches about being "born again" or "born from above." We often get caught up in wondering what being "born again" means, but we lose sight of the fact that after we are born, the point is to grow up! In this sermon, Pastor Eric uses the story of a failed railway project in Spain to call us to consider the ways we might be resisting the new life Jesus wants to give us. It is a challenging call, but it is also the summons into the life God desires to give us.

Finding our Purpose (February 26, 2023)

Why are we here? Genesis 2:15 gives us an answer: we are meant to be gardeners. Now, that's a metaphor. Gardeners take the world around them and work to make it more productive or beautiful. We were created to help the creation around us -including other people!- thrive and grow in glory. But our sin has disconnected us from this high and holy calling. In Matthew 4:1-11, we hear the story of how Jesus overcomes temptation to restore us to our deepest meaning. Pastor Eric helps us see that through a pilgrimage in the desert, we can rediscover the purpose of the Garden.

Shine On! (February 19, 2023)

When we’re used to rushing around and always looking ahead to the next event on our calendars, it can be challenging to pause and soak up the good things that are happening in our lives. In worship today, we are celebrating the Transfiguration of Our Lord. This was the moment on a mountaintop when Jesus suddenly started shining like the sun. God spoke from a cloud, surprising the disciples who witnessed it so much that they fell down in fear. In this sermon on the story of Jesus’ Transfiguration from Matthew 17:1-9, Pastor Paige encourages listeners to pause, celebrate, and truly take in Jesus’ glory. By letting Jesus’ light shine on us, we receive fuel for the journey of Lent which is about to begin.