December 27, First Sunday of Christmas, Lessons & Carols

Merry Christmas! On this First Sunday of Christmas, our DE-MD Synod is offering a service of Lessons and Carols for all congregations of the synod to celebrate. It is a glorious collaboration of leaders from many congregations, and will be sure to lift your spirits, both with music and the power of the Word of God.

A bulletin for the service is available for download or printing here.

Reformation is re-posting the service on our YouTube channel, Facebook page, and web site. However, there is another version, with more music in the form of preludes and postludes, available directly at starting at 9:45am on Sunday, December 27.

We deeply appreciate this offering of worship on behalf of our whole synod! Merry Christmas to all of you.

Christmas Eve Worship & Devotions for the Twelve Days of Christmas

Merry Christmas! Thank you for being a part of Reformation’s Christmas Eve service. We have lots of special music, familiar Christmas carols for you to sing along with, and a message of Christmas hope in the Christ child. Please stick around through the end of the service for some announcements and thank-you’s!

Please be sure to click here to get a downloadable series of Bible readings for the Twelve Days of Christmas. Celebrating Christ's birth takes more than one day. These readings will help keep the celebration going.

December 20 (Fourth Sunday of Advent) Worship & Daily Devotions

We are so glad you’re joining Reformation for online worship! We hope that this time of prayer, song, and hearing the Word of God will strengthen your spirit during this Advent season.

On this fourth Sunday of Advent, we hear the angel Gabriel announce the surprising news to Mary that she would bear the Son of God. In today’s sermon, Pastor Paige invites listeners to consider where they are in their faith journey and in their readiness for Christ to come. There is still time to prepare our hearts for Jesus! We hope this worship service will encourage you to make the most of that time, so you can more fully experience God’s amazing love and grace at Christmas.

After the service, we invite you to fill out an online response card here. A daily devotional for the coming week can be found here. Finally, if you are able, we invite you to partner with us by financially supporting Reformation here. Your generosity allows us to bring the hope of Jesus to Milford and beyond during this time of pandemic. Thank you!

December 13 (Third Sunday of Advent) Worship Service & Devotions

We are so glad you’re joining Reformation for online worship! We hope that this time of prayer, song, and hearing the Word of God will strengthen your spirit during this Advent season.

On this third Sunday of Advent, Pastor Eric challenges us to ask why we want the Savior to come. If it is only for our own blessing, then our reading from Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11 warns us that we may miss out on the high and glorious calling God has for us. But if we trust the God who wants to work in us and through us, we will fly free in his grace.

After the service, we invite you to fill out an online response card here. You can download a daily devotional for the coming week here. Finally, if you are able, we invite you to partner with us by financially supporting Reformation here. Your generosity allows us to bring the hope of Jesus to Milford and beyond during this time of pandemic. Thank you!

December 6 (Second Sunday of Advent) Worship Service & Daily Devotions

We are so glad you’re joining Reformation for online worship! We hope that this time of prayer, song, and hearing the Word of God will strengthen your spirit during this Advent season.

On this second Sunday of Advent, Pastor Eric reminds us that it is in the wilderness places of life that we can expect God to come to us with hope and salvation. These are challenging days, but there is nothing that can prevent the Lord from making a way for new life to come to us!

After the service, we invite you to fill out an online response card by clicking here. You can download a daily devotional for the coming week here. Finally, if you are able, we invite you to partner with us by financially supporting Reformation here. Your generosity allows us to bring the hope of Jesus to Milford and beyond during this time of pandemic. Thank you!

This service contains elements of our Sunday morning worship as well as a hymn and Children's Sermon recorded only for online.

November 29 (First Sunday of Advent) Service & Daily Devotions

We are so glad you’re joining Reformation for online worship! We hope that this time of prayer, song, and hearing the Word of God will help you prepare your heart during this Advent season.

On this first Sunday of Advent, Pastor Paige invites us into a season of “active waiting” for Jesus to be born at Christmas and to come again in glory. Serving, spiritual practices, and watching for God’s kingdom are ways we can live as we wait for Christ.

After the service, we invite you to fill out an online response card here. You can download a daily devotional for the coming week here. Finally, if you are able, we invite you to partner with us by financially supporting Reformation by clicking here. Your generosity allows us to bring the hope of Jesus to Milford and beyond during this time of pandemic. Thank you!

This service contains elements of our Sunday morning worship as well as a hymn and Children's Sermon recorded only for online.

November 22 (Christ the King) Sunday Worship

We are so glad you’re joining Reformation for online worship! We hope that this time of prayer, song, and hearing the Word of God read and preached will challenge, encourage, and inspire you.

On this Christ the King Sunday, we explore what it means to say “Jesus is Lord,” even when things look like he isn’t in control, and how that faith empowers us to bless those around us.

This service includes an invitation to complete an Estimate of Giving for 2021. You can click here to find that form.

After the service, we invite you to fill out an online response card here. If you click here, you will find a daily devotional for the coming week.

Finally, if you are able, we invite you to partner with us by financially supporting Reformation here. Your generosity allows us to bring the hope of Jesus to Milford and beyond during this time of pandemic. Thank you!

This service contains elements of our Sunday morning worship as well as a hymn and Children's Sermon recorded only for online.

No Online Service for November 15

Pastor Eric & Pastor Paige are on vacation this week, so we recommend two Lutheran churches in our DE-MD Synod for our online worship attenders to “join” on November 15. Saint John’s Lutheran Church in Sweet Air, MD, has “online anytime” worship at Saint Philip’s Lutheran Church in Wilmington live streams their two Sunday morning services at 8:00 and 10:30 at

The lead pastors of these two churches, Pastor Lisa Arrington at Saint John’s and Pastor Patrick Downes at Saint Philip’s, are treasured friends and colleagues of ours. We hope you will “attend” one of their services. And, as the Spirit moves you, we encourage you to leave an offering for them, just as you would when physically visiting another church.

If you are comfortable attending in person, Pastor Judy Moller-Gavlick will be leading our in-person services as normal. Please remember to call or email Pat in the church office by Thursday afternoon to register. She can be reached at or 422-9117.

We look forward to being with you on line again next week!

November 8 (Commitment Sunday) Worship Service & Devotions

We are so glad you’re joining Reformation for online worship! We hope that this time of prayer, song, and hearing the Word of God read and preached will challenge, encourage, and inspire you.

On this Commitment Sunday for our “Carry the Light” stewardship campaign, Jesus’ parable of wise and foolish bridesmaids in Matthew 25:1-13 challenges us to examine our daily lives for the habits of faithfulness that will enable us to respond with joy to the call of Jesus.

This service includes an invitation to complete an Estimate of Giving for 2021. You can find a button below to take you to that form.

After the service, we invite you to fill out an online response card here. You can download a daily devotional for the coming week with Bible readings, reflections, prayer suggestions, and psalms by clicking here. Finally, if you are able, we invite you to partner with us by financially supporting Reformation by clicking here. Your generosity allows us to bring the hope of Jesus to Milford and beyond during this time of pandemic. Thank you!

This service contains elements of our Sunday morning worship as well as a hymn and Children's Sermon recorded only for online.

November 1 (All Saints') Worship Service & Daily Devotions

We are so glad you’re joining Reformation for online worship! We hope that this time of prayer, song, and hearing the Word of God read and preached will challenge, encourage, and inspire you.

On All Saints’ Sunday, we rejoice at the legacy of faith that we have received from the saints in our lives. Today’s reading from Revelation 7:9-17 offers us a glimpse of all the saints gathered around the throne of God in worship. In this sermon, Pastor Paige highlights the hope we receive from the saints’ witness to the love of Jesus. Their examples of faith strengthen us to carry the light of Christ in the midst of our troubled world.

After the service, we invite you to click here to fill out an online response card. We encourage you to download a daily devotional for the coming week here. Finally, if you are able, we invite you to partner with us by financially supporting Reformation by clicking here to give electronically or find instructions to mail an offering to the church. Your generosity allows us to bring the hope of Jesus to Milford and beyond during this time of pandemic. Thank you!

This service contains elements of our Sunday morning worship as well as a hymn and Children's Sermon recorded only for online.

October 25 Reformation Sunday Worship & Daily Devotions

We are so glad you’re joining Reformation for online worship! We hope that this time of prayer, song, and hearing the Word of God read and preached will challenge, encourage, and inspire you.

On Reformation Sunday, we celebrate the good news of God's freely-given love. We also find ourselves set free to live in faith, love, and holiness. This Sunday, we begin our annual stewardship drive with a message of hope, challenge, and above all, God's grace.

After the service, we invite you to fill out an online response card by clicking here. A daily devotional for the coming week is available here. Finally, if you are able, we invite you to partner with us by financially supporting Reformation by clicking here. Your generosity allows us to bring the hope of Jesus to Milford and beyond during this time of pandemic. Thank you!

This service contains elements of our Sunday morning worship as well as a hymn and Children's Sermon recorded only for online.

October 18 Worship Service & Daily Devotions

We are so glad you’re joining Reformation for online worship! We hope that this time of prayer, song, and hearing the Word of God read and preached will challenge, encourage, and inspire you.

In today’s gospel reading, Jesus’ opponents try to trap him with a trick “yes or no” question. But Jesus goes in a different direction, evades their trap, and guides his listeners in navigating the demands of this world while remaining loyal to God. Today’s story from Matthew 22:15-22 gives us the opportunity to reflect on the amazing gifts that God has given us in his Son, ask ourselves where our utmost obedience lies, and to recommit our hearts to God.

After the service, we invite you to fill out an online response card here.. We hope you will use a daily devotional for the coming week which you can download here. Finally, if you are able, we invite you to partner with us by financially supporting Reformation here. Your generosity allows us to bring the hope of Jesus to Milford and beyond during this time of pandemic. Thank you!

This service contains elements of our Sunday morning worship as well as a hymn and Children's Sermon recorded only for online.

October 11 Worship Service & Daily Devotions

We are so glad you’re joining Reformation for online worship! We hope that this time of prayer, song, and hearing the Word of God read and preached will challenge, encourage, and inspire you.

One of the greatest spiritual dangers for followers of Jesus is to believe we can be the chosen people of God but reject the chosen ways of God. In Matthew 22:1-14, Jesus confronts religious insiders who presume that what they want is always also going to be what God wants. This is a challenging story, but it will draw us into a deeper, more honest, and ultimately, more celebratory faith.

After the service, we invite you to click here to fill out an online response card. You can download a daily devotional for the coming week here. Finally, if you are able, we invite you to partner with us by financially supporting Reformation here. Your generosity allows us to bring the hope of Jesus to Milford and beyond during this time of pandemic. Thank you!

This service contains elements of our Sunday morning worship as well as a hymn and Children's Sermon recorded only for online.

October 4 Worship Service & Daily Devotions

Who is the owner of everything we have? Who generously provides for us? Whose kingdom do we belong to? In Matthew 21:33-46, the listeners of Jesus’ parable had fallen prey to their own selfishness. They were confused about the terms and conditions of their relationship to God. Jesus paints a picture of a landowner and his wicked tenants to help us understand our proper place in God’s kingdom.

In this sermon called "Terms and Conditions," Pastor Paige shares the good news that we are caregivers of all that God has entrusted to us. We are the ones God equips to share the grace and love of his kingdom.

After the service, we invite you to fill out an online response card here. The daily devotional guide with Bible readings and prayer suggestions for the coming week can be downloaded here. Finally, if you are able, we invite you to partner with us by financially supporting Reformation by clicking here for electronic giving or instructions for mailing offerings to the church. Your generosity allows us to bring the hope of Jesus to Milford and beyond during this time of pandemic. Thank you!

This service contains elements of our Sunday morning worship as well as a hymn and Children's Sermon recorded only for online.