February 6, 2022 Worship Service ("Going into the Deep")

We are so glad you’re joining Reformation for online worship! We hope that this time of prayer, song, and hearing the Word of God will help you to go deeper in your relationship with Jesus and grow in your love and service. This is a recording of our 8:30 service. There were some technical glitches, but we should have them sorted out soon.

Today’s Gospel offers a vivid and dynamic scene with fishermen cleaning their nets, crowds of people pressing in on Jesus to hear him teach, and boats on the shore, poised to be launched into the sea. In this sermon on Luke 5:1-11, Pastor Paige explores this exciting story in which Jesus calls his first disciples and they leave everything to follow him. Hearing where it all started for Simon, James, and John helps us reflect on how God calls us to be disciples of Jesus, and on how we can go deeper in our faith so we can serve the world he so loves.

If you have a hymnal at home, our hymns this morning will be ELW 413, 798, & 574.

Our daily devotional guide will help you to go deeper into Sunday’s readings throughout the coming week. It has reflections on today’s Scripture passages, prayer guides, and a schedule of psalms for you to read and pray. You can download it by clicking here.

After the service, we invite you to fill out an online response card here. Also, if you are able, we invite you to partner with us by financially supporting Reformation here. Your generosity allows us to bring the hope of Jesus to Milford and beyond during this time of pandemic. Thank you!

January 30, 2022 Worship Service ("A More Excellent Way")

We are so glad you’re joining Reformation for online worship! Today's service is a little different, as it was recorded without a congregation present due to the snow. Music and live people in the sanctuary will be back next week!

What does Christian maturity look like? In a consumerist world that teaches us we can have anything we want just the way we want it, the Apostle Paul's words of love in First Corinthians 13 call us to a higher, more noble purpose. You may have heard these words at many weddings, but they are about much more than romance. Listen, and be challenged and inspired!

Our daily devotional guide will help you to go deeper into Sunday’s readings throughout the coming week. It has reflections on today’s Scripture passages, prayer guides, and a schedule of psalms for you to read and pray. You can download it by clicking here.

After the service, we invite you to fill out an online response card here. Also, if you are able, we invite you to partner with us by financially supporting Reformation here. Your generosity allows us to bring the hope of Jesus to Milford and beyond during this time of pandemic. Thank you!

January 23, 2022 Worship Service ("An Exciting Launch")

We are so glad you’re joining Reformation for online worship! We hope that this time of prayer, song, and hearing the Word of God will help you to go deeper in your relationship with Jesus and grow in your love and service. This is a recording of our 8:30 service.

Even though it seems like we just heard the story of Jesus as a baby at Christmastime, today we hear how the adult Jesus launched his pubic ministry from his hometown of Nazareth. In this sermon, Pastor Paige describes what happened the day Jesus announced his mission in Luke 4:14-21. Jesus’ very brief speech in the synagogue is a jumping off point for us to explore how God’s Word is still living and active in our worship services and in our lives today.

If you have a hymnal at home, our hymns this morning will be ELW 886, 510, & 239.

Our daily devotional guide will help you to go deeper into Sunday’s readings throughout the coming week. It has reflections on today’s Scripture passages, prayer guides, and a schedule of psalms for you to read and pray. You can download it by clicking here.

After the service, we invite you to fill out an online response card here. Also, if you are able, we invite you to partner with us by financially supporting Reformation here. Your generosity allows us to bring the hope of Jesus to Milford and beyond during this time of pandemic. Thank you!

January 16, 2022 Worship Service (The Wine of Joy)

We are so glad you’re joining Reformation for online worship! We hope that this time of prayer, song, and hearing the Word of God will help you to go deeper in your relationship with Jesus and grow in your love and service. This is a recording of our 8:30 service.

In John 2:1-11, we hear the story of Jesus’ first miracle. A wedding feast runs out of wine - something that would cause a major loss of face in that day. But as a sign of his power to provide overflowing joy, Jesus transforms the water in six stone jars into wine so that the celebration may continue. In today’s sermon, Pastor Eric encourages us to drink deeply of Christ’s presence instead of the cheap alternatives the world offers. But he also challenges us: are there vessels in our lives that can receive the grace of Jesus?

Our daily devotional guide will help you to go deeper into Sunday’s readings throughout the coming week. It has reflections on today’s Scripture passages, prayer guides, and a schedule of psalms for you to read and pray. You can download it by clicking here.

After the service, we invite you to fill out an online response card here. Also, if you are able, we invite you to partner with us by financially supporting Reformation here. Your generosity allows us to bring the hope of Jesus to Milford and beyond during this time of pandemic. Thank you!

January 9, 2022 Worship Service (The Baptism of Our Lord)

We are so glad you’re joining Reformation for online worship! We hope that this time of prayer, song, and hearing the Word of God will help you to go deeper in your relationship with Jesus and grow in your love and service. This is a recording of our 8:30 service.

Early in the new year, we get to celebrate the Festival of the Baptism of Our Lord. It’s a wonderful reminder to start the year by giving thanks to God for our baptism, and to reflect on all the gifts we receive in this sacrament. In this sermon, Pastor Paige highlights the words God speaks to Jesus as he is baptized. In Luke’s account (Luke 3:15-17, 21-22), God says, “You are my Son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased.” God’s love is for everyone who has been baptized into Christ Jesus. Our Heavenly Father's love is a solid foundation on which we can continue to build our lives, from the time of our baptism onward.

Our daily devotional guide will help you to go deeper into Sunday’s readings throughout the coming week. It has reflections on today’s Scripture passages, prayer guides, and a schedule of psalms for you to read and pray. You can download it by clicking here.

After the service, we invite you to fill out an online response card here. Also, if you are able, we invite you to partner with us by financially supporting Reformation here. Your generosity allows us to bring the hope of Jesus to Milford and beyond during this time of pandemic. Thank you!

December 26, 2021 Worship Service & Christmas Devotional Readings

We are so glad you’re joining Reformation for online worship this Christmas! We hope that this time of worship and praise of the Christ child will fill your heart with light and joy.

Today, we let the music tell the story! We hear lessons, including the story of the 12 year-old Jesus at the temple, and sing the praises of our newborn King! Christmas lasts 12 days, so let’s keep the celebration going!

We have a collection of daily readings for you to continue the celebration of the 12 Days of Christmas in your homes. We invite you to download it by clicking here.

After the service, we invite you to fill out an online response card here. Also, if you are able, we invite you to partner with us by financially supporting Reformation here. Your generosity allows us to bring the hope of Jesus to Milford and beyond during this time of pandemic. Thank you!

Christmas Eve 2021 Worship Service & Christmas Devotions

We are so glad you’re joining Reformation for online worship this Christmas! We hope that this time of worship and praise of the Christ child will fill your heart with light and joy.

This is a recording of our 7:00pm Christmas Eve service. A separate video of our young musicians from the 4:00 service can be seen below.

We have a collection of daily readings for you to continue the celebration of the 12 Days of Christmas in your homes. We invite you to download it by clicking here.

After the service, we invite you to fill out an online response card here. Also, if you are able, we invite you to partner with us by financially supporting Reformation here. Your generosity allows us to bring the hope of Jesus to Milford and beyond during this time of pandemic. Thank you!

December 19, 2021 Worship Service (Advent 4, What to Expect at Christmas)

We are so glad you’re joining Reformation for online worship! We hope that this time of prayer, song, and hearing the Word of God will help you to go deeper in your relationship with Jesus and grow in your love and service. This is a recording of our 8:30 service.

We are often tempted to think about Christmas in terms of what we want to receive. And that’s not just kids hoping for presents, either. Especially in these pandemic times, we can be so focused on what we want - time with family and friends, rest, and an escape from all the heavy news. But have you ever not gotten what you want for Christmas? And more than that, have you ever not gotten what you want from God? In this sermon based on Hebrews 10:5-10, Pastor Eric calls us to focus not on what we want to receive, but on what God wants to give us in the Christ child at Bethlehem. His gift is greater than anything we could ask for.

Our daily devotional guide will help you to go deeper into Sunday’s readings throughout the coming week. It has reflections on today’s Scripture passages, prayer guides, and a schedule of psalms for you to read and pray. You can download it by clicking here.

After the service, we invite you to fill out an online response card here. Also, if you are able, we invite you to partner with us by financially supporting Reformation here. Your generosity allows us to bring the hope of Jesus to Milford and beyond during this time of pandemic. Thank you!

December 12, 2021 Worship Service (Advent 3, Getting Ready for Christ)

We are so glad you’re joining Reformation for online worship! We hope that this time of prayer, song, and hearing the Word of God will help you to go deeper in your relationship with Jesus and grow in your love and service. This is a recording of our 8:30 service.

John the Baptist called on people to get ready for the coming of the Savior. In Luke 3:7-18, his words may sound threatening, but they hold great promise. And, in our stressed-out, high pressure world, they invite us into quiet, humble ways of letting the Lord’s love work through us, so that the world can be more ready to meet its Savior.

Our daily devotional guide will help you to go deeper into Sunday’s readings throughout the coming week. It has reflections on today’s Scripture passages, prayer guides, and a schedule of psalms for you to read and pray. You can download it by clicking here.

After the service, we invite you to fill out an online response card here. Also, if you are able, we invite you to partner with us by financially supporting Reformation here. Your generosity allows us to bring the hope of Jesus to Milford and beyond during this time of pandemic. Thank you!

December 5, 2021 Worship Service (Advent 2, The Great Preparation)

We are so glad you’re joining Reformation for online worship! We hope that this time of prayer, song, and hearing the Word of God will help you to go deeper in your relationship with Jesus and grow in your love and service. This is a recording of our 8:30 service. We apologize for the beginning of the service being cut off due to technological glitches; hats off to our live stream operator who kept his cool and persevered through the snags!

While the world around us is getting more and more hectic with Christmas preparations, this Second Sunday of Advent offers us a moment to pause and hear the voice that cries out, “Prepare the way of the Lord.” This is the voice of John the Baptist. Today’s gospel reading from Luke 3:1-6 describes how John helped people get ready to encounter Jesus. In this Advent sermon, Pastor Paige focuses on the spiritual preparation John invites us to do as we hear his cry, in order to be ready when Jesus comes to us on Christmas as the Savior of the world.

Our daily devotional guide will help you to go deeper into Sunday’s readings throughout the coming week. It has reflections on today’s Scripture passages, prayer guides, and a schedule of psalms for you to read and pray. You can download it by clicking here.

After the service, we invite you to fill out an online response card here. Also, if you are able, we invite you to partner with us by financially supporting Reformation here. Your generosity allows us to bring the hope of Jesus to Milford and beyond during this time of pandemic. Thank you!

November 28, 2021 Worship Service (Advent 1, Tomorrow Makes Today)

Where can we find courage in uncertain times? That is our question today.

We are so glad you’re joining Reformation for online worship! We hope that this time of prayer, song, and hearing the Word of God will help you to go deeper in your relationship with Jesus and grow in your love and service. This is a recording of our 8:30 service.

The world gives us plenty of reason to worry about the future. That is why we desperately need the season of Advent: a time of rest, slowing down, and preparation that cultivates peace and hope. On this first Sunday of Advent, Pastor Eric looks at a paradox: our choices today can create our tomorrows. But at the same time, our tomorrows can change our todays. What does this mean? In Luke 21:25-36, Jesus calls us to courage in the present moment because of his victorious return, still in the future. Our hope in Christ’s future coming gives us peace and joy in the present. Listen, and be encouraged!

Our daily devotional guide will help you to go deeper into Sunday’s readings throughout the coming week. It has reflections on today’s Scripture passages, prayer guides, and a schedule of psalms for you to read and pray. You can download it by clicking here.

After the service, we invite you to fill out an online response card here. Also, if you are able, we invite you to partner with us by financially supporting Reformation here. Your generosity allows us to bring the hope of Jesus to Milford and beyond during this time of pandemic. Thank you!

November 21, 2021 Worship Service (Christ the King Sunday)

We are so glad you’re joining Reformation for online worship! We hope that this time of prayer, song, and hearing the Word of God will help you to go deeper in your relationship with Jesus and grow in your love and service.

On this Christ the King Sunday, our guest preacher, Pastor Gordon Simmons, opens the Scriptures to us as we worship Jesus as Lord over all! This is a recording of our 11:00 service.

Our daily devotional guide will help you to go deeper into Sunday’s readings throughout the coming week. It has reflections on today’s Scripture passages, prayer guides, and a schedule of psalms for you to read and pray. You can download it by clicking here.

After the service, we invite you to fill out an online response card here. Also, if you are able, we invite you to partner with us by financially supporting Reformation here. Your generosity allows us to bring the hope of Jesus to Milford and beyond during this time of pandemic. Thank you!

November 14, 2021 Worship Service (How Does It End?)

We are so glad you’re joining Reformation for online worship! We hope that this time of prayer, song, and hearing the Word of God will help you to go deeper in your relationship with Jesus and grow in your love and service. This is a recording of our 8:30am service.

When Jesus’ disciples point out the impressive architecture of the temple, he redirects the conversation and starts talking about the “end times.” In today’s reading from Mark 13:1-8, Jesus warns his followers about trying to know the exact facts about the future. In her sermon, Pastor Paige compares this to being satisfied verses dissatisfied with an ending to an engrossing story. As followers of Jesus, we trust that our ultimate ending rests in the victory Jesus has already for us on the cross, the victory that will be fully realized when he returns in glory. Watch or listen to this sermon to find out how trusting in our ultimate future helps us keep going in the present.

Our daily devotional guide will help you to go deeper into Sunday’s readings throughout the coming week. It has reflections on today’s Scripture passages, prayer guides, and a schedule of psalms for you to read and pray. You can download it by clicking here.

After the service, we invite you to fill out an online response card here. Also, if you are able, we invite you to partner with us by financially supporting Reformation here. Your generosity allows us to bring the hope of Jesus to Milford and beyond during this time of pandemic. Thank you!

November 7, 2021 Worship Service (Who Is to Judge Us?)

We are so glad you’re joining Reformation for online worship! We hope that this time of prayer, song, and hearing the Word of God will help you to go deeper in your relationship with Jesus and grow in your love and service. This is a recording of our 8:30am service.

On All Saints’ Sunday, we remember in prayer those who have died in the last year. We focus on the resurrection promise of the Gospel. We also turn our minds to what the church has called “the last things:” the return of Christ, the resurrection of the dead, and life everlasting. In the words of the Creeds, these last things include Jesus returning to “judge the living and the dead.” Does this contradict the Gospel of Christ’s grace? Are we supposed to leave in fear of God’s condemnation? Not at all! In this sermon, Pastor Eric shows how the judgment of Jesus is nothing to fear, but something to embrace with hope and joy.

Our daily devotional guide will help you to go deeper into Sunday’s readings throughout the coming week. It has reflections on today’s Scripture passages, prayer guides, and a schedule of psalms for you to read and pray. You can download it by clicking here.

After the service, we invite you to fill out an online response card here. Also, if you are able, we invite you to partner with us by financially supporting Reformation here. Your generosity allows us to bring the hope of Jesus to Milford and beyond during this time of pandemic. Thank you!

October 31, 2021 Worship Service (Building Life on the Fundamentals)

We are so glad you’re joining Reformation for online worship! We hope that this time of prayer, song, and hearing the Word of God will help you to go deeper in your relationship with Jesus and grow in your love and service. This is a recording of our 9:00am service.

We celebrate Reformation Sunday and the Affirmation of Baptism (Confirmation) of seven of our young people today! It’s a day to give thanks for Martin Luther and his insistence on bringing the church back to the fundamental truth that we are saved by grace through faith. There is nothing we have to do to earn our salvation. In her sermon on John 8:31-36, Pastor Paige explores how this Reformation message connects with Jesus telling his followers, “the truth will set you free.” Reformation Sunday gives us the opportunity to pause and remember the fundamentals of the faith: that Jesus loves us, that his cross and resurrection save us from sin and death, that we are free in Christ, and that nothing can ever separate us from the love of God.

Our daily devotional guide will help you to go deeper into Sunday’s readings throughout the coming week. It has reflections on today’s Scripture passages, prayer guides, and a schedule of psalms for you to read and pray. You can download it by clicking here.

After the service, we invite you to fill out an online response card here. Also, if you are able, we invite you to partner with us by financially supporting Reformation here. Your generosity allows us to bring the hope of Jesus to Milford and beyond during this time of pandemic. Thank you!

October 24, 2021 Worship Service (Filling the Cup - Radiant Generosity)

We are so glad you’re joining Reformation for online worship! We hope that this time of prayer, song, and hearing the Word of God will help you to go deeper in your relationship with Jesus and grow in your love and service. This is a recording of our 9:00am service.

On this Commitment Sunday, the last week of our annual generosity emphasis, we will hear a message of amazing hope and a call to mission from Jeremiah 31:1-6 and Mark 10:46-52. Pastor Eric invites us to trust in God’s abundance and take a next step in generosity through this encouraging word of promise for the future.

To complete an Estimate of Giving card online, or to find a Ways to Participate and Serve form (how you can share your gifts to serve), or to see the first two sermons in our “Fill the Cup” series, you can go to our giving page here.

Our daily devotional guide will help you to go deeper into Sunday’s readings throughout the coming week. It has reflections on today’s Scripture passages, prayer guides, and a schedule of psalms for you to read and pray. You can download it by clicking here.

After the service, we invite you to fill out an online response card here. Also, if you are able, we invite you to partner with us by financially supporting Reformation here. Your generosity allows us to bring the hope of Jesus to Milford and beyond during this time of pandemic. Thank you!

October 17, 2021 Worship Service (Filling the Cup through Service)

We are so glad you’re joining Reformation for online worship! We hope that this time of prayer, song, and hearing the Word of God will help you to go deeper in your relationship with Jesus and grow in your love and service. This is a recording of our 9:00am service.

Reformation’s generosity emphasis on the theme, “Filling the cup,” continues with a sermon by Pastor Paige on Mark 10:35-45. Jesus teaches his disciples that he came not so others could serve him, but so he could humble himself and serve others. As she shares a story how God filled her cup to overflowing through service, Pastor Paige invites listeners to reflect on the gifts and skills God has given them. She dispels a few myths about serving in the church, and helps listeners prepare to offer their talents, time, and gifts to Reformation in order to serve the body of Christ and the community around us.

The Ways to Participate and Serve form can be downloaded at our giving page here.

Our daily devotional guide will help you to go deeper into Sunday’s readings throughout the coming week. It has reflections on today’s Scripture passages, prayer guides, and a schedule of psalms for you to read and pray. You can download it by clicking here.

After the service, we invite you to fill out an online response card here. Also, if you are able, we invite you to partner with us by financially supporting Reformation here. Your generosity allows us to bring the hope of Jesus to Milford and beyond during this time of pandemic. Thank you!

October 10, 2021 Worship Service (Filling the Cup)

We are so glad you’re joining Reformation for online worship! We hope that this time of prayer, song, and hearing the Word of God will help you to go deeper in your relationship with Jesus and grow in your love and service. This is a recording of our 9:00am service.

As we enter into our annual emphasis on generosity and stewardship, we are mindful that many (most?) of us are feeling like we don’t have a lot left in the tank. We are run down. And so our theme this year is “Filling the Cup,” which comes from the conviction that Jesus wants to fill us to overflowing. And generosity is one of the pathways he uses to get us there. In this sermon from Mark 10:17-31, Pastor Eric challenges us to consider how much of a hold our material “stuff” has on us, and encourages us that the life Jesus offers is more abundant than anything we could ever imagine.

Our daily devotional guide will help you to go deeper into Sunday’s readings throughout the coming week. It has reflections on today’s Scripture passages, prayer guides, and a schedule of psalms for you to read and pray. You can download it by clicking here.

After the service, we invite you to fill out an online response card here. Also, if you are able, we invite you to partner with us by financially supporting Reformation here. Your generosity allows us to bring the hope of Jesus to Milford and beyond during this time of pandemic. Thank you!

October 3, 2021 Worship Service (Jesus, Marriage, & Divorce)

We are so glad you’re joining Reformation for online worship! We hope that this time of prayer, song, and hearing the Word of God will help you to go deeper in your relationship with Jesus and grow in your love and service. This is a recording of our 9:00am service.

Today’s Gospel reading, Mark 10:2-16, has been called a “clobber text.” It has been used, or mis-used, rather, to shame people who have gone through divorce and to pressure spouses to remain in abusive situations. But that is not what Jesus wants! Pastor Eric leads us through the context and meaning of Jesus’ words in this passage, and helps us to see God’s empowering, sustaining, and comforting grace at work.

Be sure to watch through to the end to see a tribute to one of our recent college graduates, Nick Wright!

Our daily devotional guide will help you to go deeper into Sunday’s readings throughout the coming week. It has reflections on today’s Scripture passages, prayer guides, and a schedule of psalms for you to read and pray. You can download them by clicking here.

After the service, we invite you to fill out an online response card here. Also, if you are able, we invite you to partner with us by financially supporting Reformation here. Your generosity allows us to bring the hope of Jesus to Milford and beyond during this time of pandemic. Thank you!

September 26, 2021 Worship Service (Water for a Thirsty World)

We are so glad you’re joining Reformation for online worship! We hope that this time of prayer, song, and hearing the Word of God will help you to go deeper in your relationship with Jesus and grow in your love and service. This is a recording of our 9:00am service.

“I want to follow Jesus as his disciple, but when I try to live out my faith, the things I do are so small, I don’t know if they really matter.” If you’ve ever questioned how you’re doing as a disciple, or wondered if your small actions are enough to consider yourself a faithful follower of Jesus, today’s reading from Mark 9:38-50 contains a message of encouragement for you. As Jesus teaches his disciples what it means to serve him, he says some surprising things about how the Kingdom of God works and how those who desire to follow Jesus can be a part of its mission. In this sermon, Pastor Paige explores how our small acts of love lead to a big impact for those around us, and she describes the joy of being a part of expanding the Kingdom of God here on earth.

Our daily devotional guide will help you to go deeper into Sunday’s readings throughout the coming week. It has reflections on today’s Scripture passages, prayer guides, and a schedule of psalms for you to read and pray. You can download them by clicking here.

After the service, we invite you to fill out an online response card here. Also, if you are able, we invite you to partner with us by financially supporting Reformation here. Your generosity allows us to bring the hope of Jesus to Milford and beyond during this time of pandemic. Thank you!