Youth & Family Ministry at Reformation

In addition to the ministries below, we also offer intergenerational events where people of all ages get to know each other. Some of these include Campfire Night at church, Shorebirds baseball games, decorating the church for Christmas, and enjoying our Annual Church Picnic.


Living Jesus! Monthly Family Faith Event

Young Children & Families

Children are a joyful part of the life of our church family. We welcome children in worship and offer a Children’s Sermon at every service, so they can come forward, sit with a Pastor and learn about Jesus. We also offer “Living Jesus!” a monthly faith formation event for families with children. This intergenerational hour includes Bible songs and stories. At “Living Jesus!” we have several engaging activities to help children learn the practices of faith such as prayer, worship, service, and more. The goal of “Living Jesus!” is to celebrate that Jesus is alive in the world and in our lives, and to learn how we can “live Jesus” as his disciples in the world, whether we’re young or young-at-heart!

The next “Living Jesus!” event is on Sunday, March 30 at 9:45 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. We’ll be learning all about Easter!

Confirmation Class

Middle School & Families

Middle Schoolers participate in the worship life of our church as Livestream Operators, Acolytes, and Worship Assistants. We offer a 2-year Confirmation program for middle school students to attend with a parent. Confirmation allows young people to learn how our Lutheran faith influences our lives. We focus on the Bible and Martin Luther’s Small Catechism in Confirmation class, which is held twice a month during the school year. Middle Schoolers also help host the annual Easter Egg Hunt for our community, volunteer at Vacation Bible School, and get involved in other service projects and church events.

High Schoolers leading our Easter Egg Hunt

High School & Older

Students in 9th grade and older are a key part of our leadership as they serve at Reformation, both in our worship services and on ministry teams. We offer a Youth Group for high schoolers and older, which meets twice a month on Sunday evenings from 5-7 p.m. At Youth Group, we eat a meal together and study the Bible in ways that help youth grow in faith and become adults who are committed to Jesus. We also play games, do service activities, and do other fun projects together as a Youth Group. High Schoolers and young adults are involved in leading Vacation Bible School and our Easter Egg Hunt for children of our church, our Kids’ Inc. day care, and our community.

For more information about any of our Youth & Family Ministry offerings, please contact Pastor Paige at She’d love to talk with you about the ways that children and youth are an important part of our church life and our church family!