February 4, 2024 Worship Service (Epiphany 5)

Clicking the picture will take you to a recording of the service on our YouTube channel.

We are so glad you’re joining Reformation for online worship! We hope that this time of prayer, song, and hearing the Word of God will help you to go deeper in your relationship with Jesus and grow in your love and service. Please use the button above to download a bulletin to help you follow along with the service.

Hearing Mark’s vivid descriptions of Jesus’ ministry, you might wonder where Jesus got the energy and patience to heal so many people, cast out so many demons, and preach the good news of the Kingdom of God, seemingly nonstop. In this sermon on Mark 1:29-39, Pastor Paige highlights two things Jesus focused on in his daily life to stay balanced between personal encounters where he healed individuals, and public acts where he created wholeness for entire communities. Listen to this sermon to find out what those two things are that Jesus did consistently, and how we can apply those to our lives of faith and keep our balance as his disciples.

We also encourage you to use the button above to go to our “giving” page where there are links to a survey about how you could become more engaged in the ministry and life of Reformation as well as an Estimate of Giving Form for 2024. You can print the survey out, complete it, and return it at church; the estimate of giving form can be completed online.

After the service, we invite you to fill out an online response card here. Also, if you are able, we invite you to partner with us by financially supporting Reformation here. Your generosity allows us to bring the hope of Jesus to Milford and beyond. Thank you!

January 28, 2024 Worship Service (Epiphany 4)

Clicking the picture will take you to our YouTube channel for a recording of the service.

We are so glad you’re joining Reformation for online worship! We hope that this time of prayer, song, and hearing the Word of God will help you to go deeper in your relationship with Jesus and grow in your love and service. Please use the button above to download a bulletin to help you follow along with the service.

We continue last week's theme of purpose and meaning, this time beyond the personal level and looking at the highest intentions of a church community. In this sermon based on Mark 2:1-12, Pastor Eric encourages us to find our hope in the loving authority and power of Jesus, and then challenges us: are we "carrying the mats" for our neighbors who need Jesus too, or are we like the crowds in the Gospel story who won't make room for someone in desperate need?

We also encourage you to use the button above to go to our “giving” page where there are links to a survey about how you could become more engaged in the ministry and life of Reformation as well as an Estimate of Giving Form for 2024. You can print the survey out, complete it, and return it at church; the estimate of giving form can be completed online.

After the service, we invite you to fill out an online response card here. Also, if you are able, we invite you to partner with us by financially supporting Reformation here. Your generosity allows us to bring the hope of Jesus to Milford and beyond. Thank you!

January 21, 2024 Worship Service (Epiphany 3)

Clicking the picture will take you to our YouTube channel for a recording of the service.

We are so glad you’re joining Reformation for online worship! We hope that this time of prayer, song, and hearing the Word of God will help you to go deeper in your relationship with Jesus and grow in your love and service. Please use the button above to download a bulletin to help you follow along with the service.

What's the point of it all? We try to get ourselves (or our kids) into "a good college," we work, we save... we all know the drill. It's life as we know it. But where's it getting us? Jesus offers a different vision for us, a life of freedom, power, and meaning. It doesn't sound heroic. It's not easy or convenient. There are no magic bullets or shortcuts. But it is, in reality, a spiritual journey into our highest purpose. In this sermon based on Mark 1:14-20, Pastor Eric invites us to consider how Jesus is calling us to "follow him," and what we might need to leave behind.

We also encourage you to use the button above to go to our “giving” page where there are links to a survey about how you could become more engaged in the ministry and life of Reformation as well as an Estimate of Giving Form for 2024. You can print the survey out, complete it, and return it at church; the estimate of giving form can be completed online.

After the service, we invite you to fill out an online response card here. Also, if you are able, we invite you to partner with us by financially supporting Reformation here. Your generosity allows us to bring the hope of Jesus to Milford and beyond. Thank you!

January 14, 2024 Worship Service (Epiphany 2)

Clicking the picture will take you to a recording of the service on our YouTube channel.

We are so glad you’re joining Reformation for online worship! We hope that this time of prayer, song, and hearing the Word of God will help you to go deeper in your relationship with Jesus and grow in your love and service. Please use the button above to download a bulletin to help you follow along with the service.

Jesus invites you to follow him and live the joyful and abundant life of being his disciple. In today’s gospel reading from John 1:43-51, Jesus calls his first disciples. Each one has a unique reaction to his call. In this sermon, Pastor Paige shares God’s promise that he seeks us and finds us because he loves us, even when we try to hide. Jesus knows that as individual disciples and as a church community, we have the ability to share with others the amazing love that God offers. Jesus invites us to “Come and see” what a life following him is like. When we respond by saying “yes!” and becoming his disciples, we get to live a life that’s better than anything we could create on our own.

We also encourage you to use the button above to go to our “giving” page where there are links to a survey about how you could become more engaged in the ministry and life of Reformation as well as an Estimate of Giving Form for 2024. You can print the survey out, complete it, and return it at church; the estimate of giving form can be completed online.

After the service, we invite you to fill out an online response card here. Also, if you are able, we invite you to partner with us by financially supporting Reformation here. Your generosity allows us to bring the hope of Jesus to Milford and beyond. Thank you!

January 7, 2024 Worship Service (Epiphany & Baptism of Our Lord)

Clicking the picture will take you to our YouTube channel for a recording of the service

We are so glad you’re joining Reformation for online worship! We hope that this time of prayer, song, and hearing the Word of God will help you to go deeper in your relationship with Jesus and grow in your love and service. Please use the button above to download a bulletin to help you follow along with the service.

We also encourage you to use the button above to go to our “giving” page where there are links to a survey about how you could become more engaged in the ministry and life of Reformation as well as an Estimate of Giving Form for 2024. You can print the survey out, complete it, and return it at church; the estimate of giving form can be completed online.

Today’s sermon will cover a river with a bloody history; a call into a future of transformation instead of conflict; and how the revealing of the Savior brings a “key change” to the song of faith.

After the service, we invite you to fill out an online response card here. Also, if you are able, we invite you to partner with us by financially supporting Reformation here. Your generosity allows us to bring the hope of Jesus to Milford and beyond. Thank you!

December 31st Lessons & Carols Worship Service

Clicking the picture will take you to our YouTube channel for a recording of the service.

Welcome to worship with Reformation! On this first Sunday of Christmas, we worship the newborn King with a service of lessons and carols. We hope that the music and Scripture inspire you to set your heart on the never-ending love of God, poured out for the world in Jesus.

Christmas Eve - 4pm Worship with Young Musicians

Clicking the picture will take you to our YouTube channel to live stream the 4pm service.

Merry Christmas! We are so glad you are joining Reformation to worship Christ, the newborn King! Please use the button above to download a bulletin to help you follow along with the service.

We hope that this service opens your heart to the glory and love of God, come to us in the baby Jesus. We are blessed to share in the talents of young musicians offering their music to the glory of God.

You can click the image above to be taken to our YouTube channel for a live stream at 4pm Christmas Eve.

After the service, we invite you to fill out an online response card here. Also, if you are able, we invite you to partner with us by financially supporting Reformation here. Your generosity allows us to bring the hope of Jesus to Milford and beyond. Thank you!

December 24, 2023 Morning - Fourth Sunday of Advent Choir Cantata

Clicking the picture will take you to our YouTube channel for a recording of the cantata service.

We are so glad you’re joining Reformation for online worship! We hope that this time of prayer, song, and hearing the Word of God will help you to go deeper in your relationship with Jesus and grow in your love and service. Please use the button above to download a bulletin to help you follow along with the service.

On the morning of December 24th, we celebrate the Fourth Sunday of Advent with a beautiful choir cantata and Holy Communion! We hope you will come in the morning to be inspired, and then return in the afternoon or evening for Christmas Eve worship!

We also encourage you to use the button above to go to our “giving” page where there are links to a survey about how you could become more engaged in the ministry and life of Reformation as well as an Estimate of Giving Form for 2024. You can print the survey out, complete it, and return it at church; the estimate of giving form can be completed online.

You can click the image above to be taken to our YouTube channel for a recording of the cantata service..

After the service, we invite you to fill out an online response card here. Also, if you are able, we invite you to partner with us by financially supporting Reformation here. Your generosity allows us to bring the hope of Jesus to Milford and beyond. Thank you!

December 17, 2023 Third Sunday of Advent Worship Service

Clicking the picture will take you to our YouTube channel for a recording of the service.

We are so glad you’re joining Reformation for online worship! We hope that this time of prayer, song, and hearing the Word of God will help you to go deeper in your relationship with Jesus and grow in your love and service. Please use the button above to download a bulletin to help you follow along with the service.

We are blessed to have Pastor Rod Kopp lead worship and preach this morning as the Evers family travels to Massachusetts for Pastor Eric's father's memorial service.

We also encourage you to use the button above to go to our “giving” page where there are links to a survey about how you could become more engaged in the ministry and life of Reformation as well as an Estimate of Giving Form for 2024. You can print the survey out, complete it, and return it at church; the estimate of giving form can be completed online.

After the service, we invite you to fill out an online response card here. Also, if you are able, we invite you to partner with us by financially supporting Reformation here. Your generosity allows us to bring the hope of Jesus to Milford and beyond. Thank you!

December 13, 2023 Blue Christmas Worship Service

Clicking the picture will take you to our YouTube channel to livestream the 7:30pm service.

Welcome to our Blue Christmas service. We know that “the holiday season” is not always easy for everyone. Grief, loss, sadness, for whatever reason, can make this season difficult. We pray that this time of worship will be encouraging, healing, and comforting. You can click on the image to be taken to our online worship, and you can use the button above to access a copy of the bulletin to help you follow along.

After the service, we invite you to fill out an online response card here.

December 10, 2023 Second Sunday of Advent Worship Service

Clicking the picture will take you to our YouTube channel for a recording of the service.

We are so glad you’re joining Reformation for online worship! We hope that this time of prayer, song, and hearing the Word of God will help you to go deeper in your relationship with Jesus and grow in your love and service. Please use the button above to download a bulletin to help you follow along with the service.

We also encourage you to use the button above to go to our “giving” page where there are links to a survey about how you could become more engaged in the ministry and life of Reformation as well as an Estimate of Giving Form for 2024. You can print the survey out, complete it, and return it at church; the estimate of giving form can be completed online.

The word "repent" can carry a lot of baggage. It can sound like an angry God giving us an order. But what if repentance is actually a gift of God's love? The second Sunday of Advent brings "repentance" into focus, with readings from Isaiah 40:1-11, 2Peter 3:8-15a, and Mark 1:1-8. Pastor Eric invites us to see repentance as God's invitation to enter more deeply into life, joy, and peace.

You can click the image above to be taken to our YouTube channel for a recording of the service.

After the service, we invite you to fill out an online response card here. Also, if you are able, we invite you to partner with us by financially supporting Reformation here. Your generosity allows us to bring the hope of Jesus to Milford and beyond. Thank you!

December 3, 2023 First Sunday of Advent Worship Service

Clicking the picture will take you to our YouTube channel for an edited recording of the service.

We are so glad you’re joining Reformation for online worship! We hope that this time of prayer, song, and hearing the Word of God will help you to go deeper in your relationship with Jesus and grow in your love and service. Please use the button above to download a bulletin to help you follow along with the service.

We also encourage you to use the button above to go to our “giving” page where there are links to a survey about how you could become more engaged in the ministry and life of Reformation as well as an Estimate of Giving Form for 2024. You can print the survey out, complete it, and return it at church; the estimate of giving form can be completed online.

Advent is here! The four Sundays leading up to Christmas Day are a time of preparation, hope and longing for the peace and promise of the Savior’s coming. Join us for worship as we prepare our hearts to welcome Christ!

You can click the image above to be taken to our YouTube channel for a recording of the service.

After the service, we invite you to fill out an online response card here. Also, if you are able, we invite you to partner with us by financially supporting Reformation here. Your generosity allows us to bring the hope of Jesus to Milford and beyond. Thank you!

November 26, 2023 Christ the King Sunday Worship Service

Clicking the picture will take you to our YouTube channel for an edited version of the worship video

We are so glad you’re joining Reformation for online worship! We hope that this time of prayer, song, and hearing the Word of God will help you to go deeper in your relationship with Jesus and grow in your love and service. Please use the button above to download a bulletin to help you follow along with the service.

We also encourage you to use the button above to go to our “giving” page where there are links to a survey about how you could become more engaged in the ministry and life of Reformation as well as an Estimate of Giving Form for 2024. You can print the survey out, complete it, and return it at church; the estimate of giving form can be completed online.

What is noble? What is truly glorious? What defines "greatness?" These are good questions to ask on Christ the King Sunday. In this sermon based on Ephesians 1:15-23 and Matthew 25:31-46, Pastor Eric invites us into the way of humility, led by Jesus our King. This road, however, is also the road of glory, for in Christ, service to others is true greatness.

You can click the image above to be taken to our YouTube channel for an edited recording of the service.

After the service, we invite you to fill out an online response card here. Also, if you are able, we invite you to partner with us by financially supporting Reformation here. Your generosity allows us to bring the hope of Jesus to Milford and beyond. Thank you!

November 19, 2023 Commitment Sunday Worship Service

Clicking the picture will take you to an edited version of the live stream recording.

We are so glad you’re joining Reformation for online worship! We hope that this time of prayer, song, and hearing the Word of God will help you to go deeper in your relationship with Jesus and grow in your love and service. Please use the button above to download a bulletin to help you follow along with the service.

We also encourage you to use the button above to download a survey about how you could become more engaged in the ministry and life of Reformation. You can print it our, complete it, and return it at church.

On Commitment Sunday, we invite our members to make estimates of giving for the coming year. As we explore our calling to sacrificial generosity, Pastor Eric's sermon based on Matthew 25:14-30 puts the question before us: "what's it all for?" What if our society's assumptions that we've got to achieve and amass everything we can for ourselves because there's nothing else for us to trust is wrong? What if there is someone we can trust, who not only provides for us, but desires to lead us into deeper faith and a higher purpose? This sermon will encourage and challenge you as you consider how you make use of all the treasures God has entrusted to your use. You can go to our online giving page to find a link to an Estimate of Giving form you can fill out online.

After the service, we invite you to fill out an online response card here. Also, if you are able, we invite you to partner with us by financially supporting Reformation here. Your generosity allows us to bring the hope of Jesus to Milford and beyond. Thank you!

November 12, 2023 Pentecost 24 (Sermon Only)

Clicking the picture will take you to a recording of the Sunday sermon.

We are so glad you’re joining Reformation for online worship! We hope that this time of prayer, song, and hearing the Word of God will help you to go deeper in your relationship with Jesus and grow in your love and service. Please use the button above to download a bulletin to help you follow along with the service.

This week's edited video is only of the sermon; we hope that this time in the Word of God will help you to go deeper in your relationship with Jesus and grow in your love and service.

The parable of the five foolish and five wise bridesmaids that Jesus tells in Matthew 25:1-13 invites us to reflect on our preparation, readiness, and commitment to the ministry Jesus has called us to do. In this sermon, during this season focusing on generosity and stewardship at Reformation, Pastor Paige reminds listeners that Jesus is committed to us for the long haul. The more generous we are able to be in our response, in terms of our financial gifts, and our sharing of our time and skills, the more we will be able to bear fruit for our church, our community, and the Kingdom of God.

You can click on the image above to be taken to the video of the sermon..

After the service, we invite you to fill out an online response card here. Also, if you are able, we invite you to partner with us by financially supporting Reformation here. Your generosity allows us to bring the hope of Jesus to Milford and beyond. Thank you!

November 5, 2023 All Saints Sunday Worship Service

Clicking the picture will take you to an edited recording of the service.

We are so glad you’re joining Reformation for online worship! We hope that this time of prayer, song, and hearing the Word of God will help you to go deeper in your relationship with Jesus and grow in your love and service. Please use the button above to download a bulletin to help you follow along with the service.

We also encourage you to use the button above to download a survey about how you could become more engaged in the ministry and life of Reformation. You can print it our, complete it, and return it at church.

As we begin our annual financial generosity focus, Pastor Eric leads us to consider our identity as God's beloved children, or "saints," and how living into that identity will lead to renewed generosity in all aspects of our life. In 1John 3:1-3, we learn that we are children of God. But the emphasis isn't on "child," it's on "of God." Your identity flows from the loving intention of God. You are an expression of God's generosity, created to generously bring more good into this world. Who do you think you are? You are a child of God.

After the service, we invite you to fill out an online response card here. Also, if you are able, we invite you to partner with us by financially supporting Reformation here. Your generosity allows us to bring the hope of Jesus to Milford and beyond. Thank you!

October 29, 2023 Reformation Sunday Worship Service

Click on the picture to be taken to a recording of the service!

We are so glad you’re joining Reformation for online worship! We hope that this time of prayer, song, and hearing the Word of God will help you to go deeper in your relationship with Jesus and grow in your love and service. Please use the button above to download a bulletin to help you follow along with the service. You can also download a daily devotional guide for the coming week with Bible readings & reflections, prompts for your prayer time, and a schedule of Psalms to read & pray each day.

We also encourage you to use the button above to download a survey about how you could become more engaged in the ministry and life of Reformation. You can complete it and bring it to church, and on October 29th, we will be dedicating these to God’s glory during worship.

This past week, multiple communities in the US have been advised to "shelter in place." This is a powerful metaphor for the state of our society as a whole. But as Christians, God calls us out of spiritual isolation to be involved in his loving work for the world. On this Reformation Sunday, Pastor Eric explores how God's free gift of grace both empowers and calls us to greater engagement and commitment. This sermon, based on 1 Thessalonians 2:1-8, is a part of our annual stewardship campaign, "Re-Engagemnt, Re-Commitment, Re-Formation."

After the service, we invite you to fill out an online response card here. Also, if you are able, we invite you to partner with us by financially supporting Reformation here. Your generosity allows us to bring the hope of Jesus to Milford and beyond. Thank you!

"The Fun Is on the Field" (October 22, 2023 Pentecost 21 Worship Service)

Click on the picture to go to the YouTube recording of the service.

We are so glad you’re joining Reformation for online worship! We hope that this time of prayer, song, and hearing the Word of God will help you to go deeper in your relationship with Jesus and grow in your love and service. Please use the button above to download a bulletin to help you follow along with the service.

Instead of a daily devotional guide this week, we encourage you to use the button above to download a survey about how you could become more engaged in the ministry and life of Reformation. You can complete it and bring it to church, and on October 29th, we will be dedicating these to God’s glory during worship.

As we kick off a season of focusing on stewardship and generosity, Pastor Paige explores Paul’s message in 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10. The Apostle says he is thankful for and encouraged by the new believers’ faith, hope, and love. The message of Jesus Christ came to the Thessalonians through the power of the Holy Spirit. They responded in ways that their neighbors couldn’t help but notice. Pastor Paige asks listeners how the Holy Spirit is guiding them to become involved in, or re-commit to, serving at Reformation Lutheran Church, so they can experience the joy of sharing their gifts and serving the Lord, together.

After the service, we invite you to fill out an online response card here. Also, if you are able, we invite you to partner with us by financially supporting Reformation here. Your generosity allows us to bring the hope of Jesus to Milford and beyond. Thank you!

October 15, 2023 Pentecost 20 Worship Service

Click on the image to be taken to a YouTube recording of the service.

We are so glad you’re joining Reformation for online worship! We hope that this time of prayer, song, and hearing the Word of God will help you to go deeper in your relationship with Jesus and grow in your love and service. Please use the button above to download a bulletin to help you follow along with the service; our daily devotional guide is taking the week off due to staff illness.

What is truly important in your life? Our priorities direct our actions. In this sermon based on Matthew 22:1-14, Pastor Eric explores how Jesus invites us into the celebration of his Kingdom, but the reality is we too often allow other priorities to distract us. Will we let Jesus rearrange our inner world and lead us into a transformed life? Or, will we "take it too lightly" and try to remain unchanged by his grace?

After the service, we invite you to fill out an online response card here. Also, if you are able, we invite you to partner with us by financially supporting Reformation here. Your generosity allows us to bring the hope of Jesus to Milford and beyond. Thank you!

October 8, 2023 Pentecost 19 Worship Service

Click the image to be taken to a recording of the service.

We are so glad you’re joining Reformation for online worship! We hope that this time of prayer, song, and hearing the Word of God will help you to go deeper in your relationship with Jesus and grow in your love and service. Please use the buttons above to download a bulletin to help you follow along with the service and a daily devotional guide for the coming week with reflections on this Sunday’s Scripture readings, a schedule of psalms to read and pray through, and guides for your prayers of intercession.

If you’ve ever had a sense that God made you for more, today’s readings from Isaiah 5:1-7 and Matthew 21:33-46 will encourage you. Both readings are about vineyards and harvests. In this sermon, Pastor Paige draws upon the memory of an important person from her childhood to show that when we trust in all that Jesus has done for us, God produces good fruit in us. God creates an abundant harvest for the sake of our neighbors, through us and through the life of our church, as the body of Christ, together.

After the service, we invite you to fill out an online response card here. Also, if you are able, we invite you to partner with us by financially supporting Reformation here. Your generosity allows us to bring the hope of Jesus to Milford and beyond. Thank you!