Merry Christmas! Welcome to Reformation’s online Christmas Eve worship as we celebrate the birth of God made flesh, Jesus Christ. We hope that this time of music, Scripture, prayer, preaching, candlelight, and praise will open your heart to the wonder of the Christ Child.
In the Christmas Gospel of Luke 2:1-20, we see Emperor Augustus showing his control over the world by calling a registration. “Control” is such a human response to fear, pain, or uncertainty. But we also see the actions of another, heavenly King, who sees the brokenness of our lost world, but does not respond by taking control. In the birth of Jesus, something so much greater than control is found. In him, there is healing, hope, and salvation. Come, let us adore him!
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We thank our young musicians for offering their talents in the worship of the newborn King tonight. May you have a blessed Christmas.