March 31, 2024 Easter Sunday!

Clicking the picture will take you to our YouTube channel for our service.

Christ is Risen! On Easter Sunday, we celebrate God’s victory over sin and death for the sake of the world. At the empty tomb, Jesus offers new life to you, a life of joy and hope and power. Celebrate with us!

You can use the button above to download a copy of the bulletin to help you follow along with the service. Clicking on the image will take you to our YouTube channel for the live stream of our 8:30 Easter morning service. At our channel, you can also find recordings of our Holy Week services: Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, and Good Friday. Watching these before Easter will give you a fuller experience of God’s great love for the world and for you.

After the service, we invite you to fill out an online response card here. Also, if you are able, we invite you to partner with us by financially supporting Reformation here. Your generosity allows us to bring the hope of Jesus to Milford and beyond. Thank you!